VHIR launches every year a scholarship program to study the Master in Translational Biomedical Research. This call aims to attract international talent and promote the education of top level students, with excellent academic records , to develop their research career at the Institute.

The grants are awarded to graduate students of any nationality who enrol in the Master's degree in Translational Biomedical Research in the same academic year in which the grant is requested.

The call for applications for the academic year 2024-2025 consists of two grants for the amount of 1.725,00€ for the enrolment fee of the beneficiary students, and a paid scholarship (contract) for a student to do an internship at Nestlé Research & Development (Switzerland).

pdf-file-ico Bases of the VHIR - Roche call for applicants 2024-2025

pdf-file-ico Bases of the Nestlé contract 2024-2025

pdf-file-ico (NESTLÉ) Data protection

pdf-file-ico VHIR grant's call resolution 2024-2025



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